Candidates For School Board A Dynamic Duo

Written by The Day Staff Writer.




Last week the Democrats in East Lyme endorsed Lydia Benedict as a candidate for the Board of Education. Two thumbs up for the Democrats for getting behind Ms. Benedict. But current Board of Education member Steve McCue, also a Democrat, argued against endorsing Ms. Benedict and was quoted in The Day saying: “Some people who want to be on the board will prove to be very divisive to the board.” (“Democrats endorse full slate of candidates in East Lyme,” June 23.)

Democrats Denounce Their Own Candidate: School board members oppose Lydia Benedict

Written by David Brensilver.




All five Democrats on the Board of Education are opposing the candidacy of fellow Democrat Lydia Benedict, who is running for a seat on the board in November.

A letter last month to Democratic Town Committee Chairman Dave Jacobs, signed by the board members, reads, "Please know that the Democratic members of the East Lyme Board of Education are unanimously opposed to the Democratic endorsement of Lydia Benedict as a candidate for the Board of Education."

East Lyme Children Put First By Benedict

Written by The Day Staff Writer.




Democratic members of the East Lyme School Board should be ashamed. They have unfairly attacked Lydia Benedict, a concerned East Lyme parent running for the Board of Education.

 Although my children attend public school in Old Lyme, I am angered. It is hard to believe that these board members would oppose Ms. Benedict's right to run.

What Makes Lydia Benedict Run?

Written by Julie Wernau.


School board candidate says she has received backlash due to husband


Jeff Benedict isn’t the only Benedict making local headlines these days.

Lydia Benedict -- wife of the local author who is also president of the Connecticut Alliance Against Casino Expansion -- has herself become the subject of local controversy.

Crowds Expected To Protest Extended School Day

Written by Karin Crompton.


Board Of Education Reviews Plan Tonight

East Lyme — Three parents who met late last week with school administrators said they believe the plan for an extended school day can be rescinded, and they intend to bring a throng of parents and teachers to tonight's Board of Education meeting to protest it.

The meeting is at 7 p.m. in the high school's INTV, or media, room.

Power Of One Makes Difference In Education

Written by The Day Staff Writer.


 It's amazing what a mother can do when she puts her mind to something. Just a couple months ago Lydia Benedict penned an opinion piece for The Day opposing the superintendent's plans to lengthen the school day by 25 minutes.

 Like many, I figured the plan was a done deal and that Ms. Benedict was wasting her time taking on a plan championed by the powerful superintendent Jack Reynolds. Obviously this willingness to take on power runs in the Benedict family.

Packing Star Power

Written by Karin Crompton.


Celebrities help school board candidate raise money

East Lyme — Lydia Benedict, a Democratic hopeful for the Board of Education, has raised thousands of dollars so far in a campaign that has not included fund-raisers but does include contributions from a rock star and other celebrities.

Benedict announced earlier this week that she has raised more than $4,000 in a three-week span.

Benedict Conducts Campaign With Class

Written by The Day Staff Writer.




It is appalling to watch the way the East Lyme Board of Education's Democratic members and the town's outgoing superintendent have attacked Lydia Benedict. When people stoop to this degree of personal attacks, they are clearly scared.

 What's even more remarkable is that Lydia Benedict has stood her ground and has not fired back. I don't know many people who could or would tolerate this kind of onslaught, and all because she wants to serve her town on the Board of Education.